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STORM's Challenging a Rezoning Proposal in Vaughan


Updated: May 5, 2024

STORM is currently challenging a proposal being supported by Vaughan Staff to allow for the creation of an 817-stall parking lot located on a previously disturbed area of the Oak Ridge Moraine that is presently zoned as a natural linkage area.


Prominent business, Maple Toyota (Zanchin Automotive Group) is seeking permission to rezone 141 Maloy Street, in Vaughan ON by requesting a Temporary Use Zoning By-Law that would allow for the rezoning of land on the ORM through an approval process that will be reviewed and potentially renewed every three years.


Previously, STORM has urged Vaughan Council to withdraw the motion put forward requesting a staff report on this issue and we are now urging the Vaughan Committee of the Whole to vote against the approval of Application #Z.22.025.

STORM believes that this request is in non-conformity (i.e., violates; is illegal) with the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Act (ORMCA). Regardless of the current condition of the land or surrounding land uses, STORM believes that this temporary land use permission is not within the authority of Vaughan Council to grant and is incompatible with the objectives of the ORMCA, Section 4.


For more information, please see the full letter submitted to Vaughan below:



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